• @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I actually felt innerly satisfied. The rave started 3hours later as the car got stuck in the sand. We had lots of humans that could push and had a few ideas to give, and I just was the guy who wondered why noone counted to 3 and screamed “go” when we did push. While being kinda introverted, experiencing this little group morale was very satisfying as I ended up doing it. We could finally continue because the car got unstuck from the sand. It was satisfying and I had my inner peace for that day.

      It was interesting to sleep or rest on acid. I definetly did enter hell once in a bad trip on acid a year ago. This trip was not near the hell. And I really learned to not give a fuck for such small details like the girl. But I do wonder why its a thing to say that they come back but just dont.