Hi guys, I’m looking to switch from a Zoom65 EE to an ergo keyboard. I have a feeling a product with my needs doesn’t exist and I’d have to go custom…
- split kb
- wireless to PC (wireless between keyboard halves a plus but not necessary)
- 2.5ghz dongle would be sweet but not necessary
- switch hotswap
- led lighting (doesn’t have to be per key)
- variable tenting
- travel case?
I’m located in the US. My budget can go up to $350.
Not sure if it meets all of your reqs, but I’m following this one closely. Can’t decide if I want to go for it or not: https://dygma.com/products/dygma-defy. It’s in your budget tho!
Best pic of it so far with vertical adjustment: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0374/9448/9228/products/dygma-defy-1.jpg?v=1668072065
I do think it satisfies all the desires, but once you add on the optional things (like the wireless and rgb) you’ll actually end up north of $550, so while you’d probably love it, it is likely out of budget.