Friend gave me access to his Adobe account (I’m never giving Adobe money again), and it looks like they don’t even support Firefox. That means I’m not using even the one remaining browser-based Adobe service that’s left.

Adobe forcing you to use Chrome instead of Firefox to use their service

  • @ilinamorato
    1811 months ago

    When there is absolutely nothing that makes them special

    Being the only viable non-Chromium browser on the market is pretty special.

    It’s definitely popular to beat up on popular things online, for some reason. I don’t get it, but it is. Keep in mind, though: your problems with Firefox are mild annoyances which are solvable (make an extension, contribute to the project, fork the repo). Chrome’s problems (web integrity API, privacy sandbox, manifest v3) are inherently anti-consumer and have the potential to be disastrous for the web as a whole.