The virtual school says its hands are tied due to Florida’s “don’t say gay” law. However, the teacher has lodged a complaint against it.

  • OBG
    -371 year ago

    Made up titles are fucking stupid.

    • @Ultraviolet
      351 year ago

      As opposed to naturally occurring titles?

      • @cricket99
        -131 year ago

        Ms/Mrs/Mr all reflect objective truths. Mx reflects how the person feels.

        • The How™
          81 year ago

          We literally made up Ms., Mrs., and Mr.

          That’s how language works, we get to make it up as we go along.

          How do you think we got here??

          • @cricket99
            -81 year ago

            As I said, they all reflect objective truths. They’re descriptive. Mx is not.

            • The How™
              71 year ago

              Oh I get it, you’re just in denial about modern gender theory. Good luck with your rocks. The trick is to bang them together.

      • OBG
        -141 year ago

        As opposed to commonly accepted titles. Not made up, flavor of the day nonsense. Your generation can put up with this shit after mine is gone. Good luck, you are most definitely going to need it.

        • @waz
          101 year ago

          Hypothetical question:

          I have a friend named Richard. He prefers to be called Rich but his boss calls him Rick.

          Should his boss adjust to call him Rich because that is what he prefers, or should he just accept being called Rick because it is a commonly accepted nickname for Richard?

          • @cricket99
            -61 year ago

            That’s a name, not a title. You don’t get to choose titles, they reflect objective truths.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Exactly, those titles have meaning that reflect “objective truths”. E.g. I don’t conform to society’s male or female gender roles or expectations.

              It’s almost as if language exists to convey information and has been evolving with the constantly changing society that uses it.

              … or was your comment an appeal to made-up semantics because you don’t actually have a compelling argument?

          • OBG
            -111 year ago

            Follow well established societal mores, do not change them for .001%.

            • @[email protected]
              81 year ago

              Answer the question. Why reply just to dodge it? Could have simply not engaged. It’s so weird to me.

              • OBG
                -51 year ago

                I did give a valid and correct answer to the question. You either didn’t understand or know I’m right so dropped back to the default… ItS sO WeIrD tO mE

            • @waz
              41 year ago

              So what would you call him?

    • @[email protected]
      251 year ago

      All titles are “made up,” and Mx. as an honorific has been around for almost fifty years. A better question would be why our two main honorifics for people are so pointlessly gendered.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Your claim as to its history is simply not true, and its use has, obviously, been mostly limited to the community that generated it. Did you expect Ronald Reagan to use it in his inauguration speech?

          Other than that, I don’t see what point you’re actually trying to make here.

      • OBG
        -161 year ago

        Removed by mod

        • @[email protected]
          91 year ago

          You just read an article about a non-binary person, so I think we can assume they are, indeed, “a thing.” Something tells me you don’t interact with a lot of queer people anyways, so your acceptance of their terms of address feels pretty irrelevant.

      • @100_percent_a_bot
        -221 year ago

        There’s words that develop organically and then there’s words that people make up to validate the feelings of women who would have been emos like 10 years ago. Neopronouns and titles like this are stupid and no person outside the progressive bubble will ever use them.

        • @[email protected]
          191 year ago

          Organically developed, like, a community making a new word that fills a lexical need to describe a concept? Sounds a lot like “Mx.” to me. What’s stupid about it?

            • @baru
              101 year ago

              Try reading a book that’s a few decades old. Language evolves. Though wonder if you read books.

    • Flying Squid
      231 year ago

      Here’s an idea- let’s not care if it’s fucking stupid and call people what they want to be called?

      • @cricket99
        -81 year ago

        Call me big master pimpin’. I will request you be fired if you do not

      • @100_percent_a_bot
        -211 year ago

        I want to be addressed as “your highness”, can you do that for me? Would be pretty bigoted if you don’t, just saying

        • Flying Squid
          191 year ago

          Sure, your highness. I have no problem with that. What difference does it make?

      • OBG
        -291 year ago

        Here’s a better idea why don’t the few conform with the masses rather than the other way around. That’s some bullshit I’ll never do.

        • Flying Squid
          1 year ago

          You want people to conform more? Do you live in the 1950s? This is 2023 when people have the freedom to express themselves and identify as who they want to identify as. Get out of the 20th century.

          • OBG
            -281 year ago

            I am also one of those people and I will never recognize any of that other than ridiculous ultra left bullshit. People have freedom to play make believe, I have the freedom to not participate in their foolishness.

            • Chaotic Entropy
              1 year ago

              A precious summer child who thinks that this is ultra left wing.

              “I just want to live in a centralised commune, where the concept of currency doesn’t exist… but Mx? Well I’m not that ultra left.”

            • Flying Squid
              1 year ago

              Yes, you can also never recognize that “f*g” and “n****r” are not acceptable in society anymore and still use them. You have the freedom to do that too. You have the freedom to be as big an asshole as you want to be.

              But you shouldn’t have that freedom to fire people over how they express themselves.

              Enjoy your bigotry. You seem very proud of it.

              • OBG
                -291 year ago

                Could someone change this kids diaper.? Never stops crying.

          • OBG
            -281 year ago

            I agree. I would go further in saying that most people would agree it’s just plain ridiculous.

            • @[email protected]
              211 year ago

              I would go further than that and assert that when you say most people, because of your specific demographic, you really just mean the people you know, who are outside of the range of groups actually accepting the kind of change you’re against.

              In a way, you’re right. Most people that you find to be rational would agree that it’s just plain ridiculous. It’s just that the groups that you don’t find rational are growing and the groups that agree with your mindset are shrinking.

              The evidence of that can be found by just observing how often this kind of thing happens at all. It used to not happen. Now it does enough to make news kind of often.