I mean really, he’s a coal baron for crying out loud

  • @Soulg
    127 months ago

    I can’t imagine being so braindead as to blame progressives for not meeting in the middle with literal anti democratic christo-fascists.

    You’re right. It’s actually just our fault that we want the country to not be a shithole.

    • @LemmyIsFantastic
      -77 months ago

      Yes because everyone who believes that capitalist policy mostly works and want minor changes is christo-fascist.

      Thank you for driving my point home.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        Wanting social programs and a safety net is branded as communism by a lot of the supposed left. Socialism can exist in a capitalist system.

        • @LemmyIsFantastic
          7 months ago

          I agree. However many, like the above comment, show how folks like to lump the extreme right, and the center right together.

          I never made any comment on policy. I said oc is proving my point. When I say progressive extremists are just as unwilling to compromise with the center, and they respond by lumping everyone in as fascist christians.