Click for Alt Text (By pk2317 on AO3)

Image 1

Panel 1
(We are in the Noceda-Blight’s house. Luz is wearing a casual outfit, sitting on the couch, holding an Otabin book)

Panel 2
(A much younger Ayzee is on the other end of the couch. She has wide open eyes)
Young Ayzee: Mama?
            Is it gonna hurt?

Panel 3
(Luz puts her hand on Ayzee’s shoulder in a comforting manner)
Luz: No? You’ll fall asleep a bit and wake up.

Panel 4
Luz (holding her thumb and forefinger barely apart): It’s just a teeny-tiny surgery.

Panel 5
Young Ayzee (still wide-eyed): And if I don’t have it, I’ll die?

Panel 6
Luz (nonchalantly): Nooot exactly, but it’s necessary.

Image 2

Panel 1
Luz (earnestly): Otherwise, your life will be in constant danger until you reach adulthood

Panel 2
(Luz’s eyes widen)
Ayzee (off-panel): Wait, I could have kept my magic?

Panel 3
(Luz looks over to Ayzee, who is now a teenager)
Teen Ayzee (looking down): All I needed to do-

Panel 4
Teen Ayzee (looking up with an angry expression): …was endure it?

Panel 5
(Luz is on the couch looking hurt)
Teen Ayzee (from behind, standing): Why didn’t you take the chance?!

Panel 6
(Teen Ayzee runs out the door, as we see Luz’s hand reaching out to her)
Luz (off-panel): Ayzee!

Image 3

Panel 1
(Luz steps through the door)
Luz: Wait! I just-

Panel 2
(Close-up on Luz’s face, eyes wide)

Panel 3
(We see Luz looking at a young adult Luz, on the playground cradling a toddler Ayzee in her arms. Young adult Amity is running to them. The colors are muted)
Young Adult Luz: Ayzee!
Young Adult Amity: What’s wrong?

Panel 4
(The older Luz is standing at the edge of the playground, an open door behind her leading to the living room. Young adult Luz and Amity are kneeling on the ground in the middle of the sandbox holding toddler Ayzee)
Young Adult Luz: I, I don’t know! She said her chest hurts, and she fainted!
Young Adult Amity: We need to take her to the healing ward.

Panel 5
(Older Luz is standing looking at the scene in shock)
Young Adult Amity (off-panel): Now!!

Panel 6
(Older Luz looks to the side)

Panel 7
(Teenage Ayzee is running through an open door)
Older Luz: Ayzee!

Image 4

Panel 1
(Older Luz is stepping through the door, a panicked look on her face)

Panel 2
(An older witch with grey hair is flipping through a book with a concerned look on her face. There is a bookshelf behind her)
Doctor: …it happens more often in offspring of a human and a witch.

Panel 3
(Young adult Amity and Luz are sitting on a bench. Luz is looking down with a depressed expression. Amity looks at the doctor attentively while resting her hand on Luz’s shoulder)
Doctor: She only has a 50/50 chance of surviving into adulthood.

Panel 4
(Young adult Luz’s face has a troubled expression)
Doctor (off-panel): A healer can treat it with surgery, but…
            Ayzee will lose her magic, permanently.

Panel 5
Young Adult Luz (bitterly): It has to be done.

Panel 6
(Older Luz watches with a somber expression)
Young Adult Luz (off-panel): We’re not taking any chances

Panel 7
(Older Luz turns her head)
Ayzee (off-panel): I didn’t even get to choose!

Image 5

Panel 1
(Teenage Ayzee is screaming with anger)
Teenage Ayzee: Now I’m just a useless mess.
            All thanks to you!

Panel 2
(Teenage Ayzee runs into an open door leading to blackness)
Teenage Ayzee: Leave me alone!

Panel 3
Older Luz (running after her with arm outstretched): Wait!-

Panel 4
(Older Luz is falling through a black void, a small doorway floating behind her with white light shining through)

Panel 5
(Luz is now wearing her Azura outfit again that she wore to rescue Ayzee from Grom. She falls through what appears to be the surface of a body of water with a splash. Everything is black)

Image 6

Panel 1
(Luz is floating in blackness, eyes closed)
Luz (V.O.): I’m sorry.

Panel 2
(Luz grabs her arms to her chest, eyes squeezed shut with a pained expression on her face. A tear is forming)
Luz (V.O.): I didn’t mean to-

Panel 3
(Close-up on Luz’s arms holding herself. We see a tear running down her cheek)
Luz (V.O.): Please, Ayzee…

Panel 4
(We are back in the Grom arena. Luz is floating in the bubble, eyes glowing, with the tendril stuck to her head. Ayzee is banging her fists on the outside of the bubble and sobbing)
Luz (V.O.): Please don’t hate me.

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Full credit to Makmark/MoringMark. You can find him here: Tumblr | R*ddit | Instagram | Deviantart | Ko-fi

  • Aielman15
    911 months ago

    This got really dark very quickly.