The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has now weighed in on the hospital situation in northern Gaza.

In a statement, it warned that hospitals in the Palestinian enclave have “reached a point of no return”, risking the lives of thousands of people.

The ICRC said its staff attempting to deliver medical supplies had witnessed “horrendous” scenes, and described the destruction as “unbearable”.

It also highlighted attacks on children’s hospitals, including Al-Rantisi, which we’ve been reporting on today, saying they had “not been spared from violence.”

The humanitarian organisation, which is the guardian of the Geneva Conventions, repeated its demand that hospitals and healthcare workers, under international law, must be protected.

    • @[email protected]
      -2911 months ago

      Not being sarcastic. Hamas puts tunnels around hospitals. When they pop out of them and shoot at Israelis WTF do you want them to do? Shooting back is a good idea.

      • @BMatthew
        2511 months ago

        I want them to not bomb kids. Bombing kids is what terrorists do. If you want to kill someone in a tunnel, go in the tunnel. You don’t bomb kids. You don’t bomb hospitals.