The head of an Israeli media watchdog, HonestReporting, says it was simply ‘raising questions’ by wondering whether Palestinian photojournalists who documented the Oct. 7 attack on Israel had been tipped off in advance that it had happened

  • Annoyed_🦀
    11 months ago

    Like Tucker Carlson?

    Gil Hoffman, executive director of HonestReporting and a former reporter for The Jerusalem Post, admitted Thursday the group had no evidence to back up that suggestion. He said he was satisfied with subsequent explanations from several of these journalists that they did not know.

    That’s what everyone called conspiracy theory. But i guess it’s okay to question the journalist but it’s not okay to, say, question why Israel didn’t do anything about the early warning they were given. I’m just aSkiNG QuEStiOn.

    Israeli politicians Danny Danon, Israel’s former U.N. ambassador, and former defense minister Benny Gantz condemned any journalists who knew about the attacks ahead of time. Any who stood idle while killings took place that day “are no different from terrorists and should be treated as such.”

    I wonder who he might talking about.