• @CharlesMangione
    211 months ago

    I empathize extremely with your sentiment, but please be aware that the NSA is monitoring literally every word you write.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      If authorities are afraid of a population that demands accountability, justice and standing up for decency and the truth than it doesn’t matter if they’re watching or not, they’ll dispatch whomever they want regardless. They’ll gin up some reason, plug in a thumb drive, or the old school plant drugs.

      Jail would be a vacation from my workload now. My body would thank them. In all honesty, it’d probably extend my life by a decade. I haven’t taken a day off in 5 years. I need some dental work done anyway.

      And inside I’d just teach everyone about the Enlightenment philosophers (which gave birth to our country), the history of the labor movement, economic theory, Thomas Rawls and the nature of Justice, educate about jury nullification and if everyone demands a jury trial the system 100% is guaranteed to collapse, and my extensive study of peacetime population control thru propaganda dissemination, chosen language and ommittance.

      They’ll fucking adore me.

      “Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.” -Henry David Thoreau

      • Doug HollandOP
        -211 months ago

        One of the best things about Lemmy is that it’s small enough you see the same handles in various places, and I’ve seen yours. Pretty sure I’d like you if we met. I enjoy your fiery writing and we’re within walking distance of agreeing on some or maybe most things, but my sweet dude or dudette, you don’t know squat about jail.

        Peace over and out. :)

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          I’ve been there longer than Ive liked but Ive no desire to return. There’s some things I can get done faster inside but in don’t mind the scenic route either, if you feel me.

          I generally talk about society after it breaks down, post-law. DHS can go ahead and label my file “plans to be busy come TEOTWAWKI”. If the world decides to hell with it all, then my lived life plans are moot. I’ve flown right for over a decade now, sober the whole way. I volunteer on Sundays. I’m known at City council meetings. I’m currently flirting with the ideation of a guerrilla campaign, flip the table run at country commissioner. I am not the droids they’re looking for.

          • Doug HollandOP
            -311 months ago

            And that’s why I love you. Any chance you’re at my city council meetings, here in Seattle?

    • Doug HollandOP
      -211 months ago

      At any protest, or a meeting planning a protest, when someone suggests we should do something more — break some windows, maybe, or hey, I know a little about explosives — you’ve found the undercover cop.

      The same’s certainly true online.