• @unfreeradical
    8 months ago

    I return to my original observation, that you are viewing human behavior as inflexible and prescribed, rather than being shaped by personal experience and social context.

    In your view, every society is a failure in its essence, because humans are in their essence incapable of forming any society that is not a failure.

    I encourage you to think about how societies may differ, one from another.

    It is the only meaningful path.

    Dwelling on the presumed intransigent darkness of humanity leads to nowhere. It is neither constructive nor particularly accurate.

    • TWeaK
      18 months ago

      It’s not that human behaviour is inflexible - indeed, it’s the opposite, humans are so flexible that they do things that are hard to predict. Given a large enough population and enough time certain negative behaviours will inevitably happen. With modern societies, this becomes a near certainty. If you stretch it to the absolute limit, then all things will happen, good and bad.

      In your view, every society is a failure in its essence, because humans are in their essence incapable of forming any society that is not a failure.

      Still, you’re trying to put words in my mouth, twisting what I’m saying into an absolute statement that I have not made, so you can argue against that. I do not appreciate this. You are being offensive.

      Ignoring the capacity for people to do bad things is the height of negligent ignorance. That isn’t to say that everyone does bad things and has bad intent, just that everyone has the capacity to, and if you have enough people and allow enough time bad actors will surface. Any society of any significant size that purports to last long enough must acknowledge and accommodate this fact. This is the foundation of criminal law, which is present in every society.

      That doesn’t mean that every society is a failure, just that there is room for improvement. I’m simply saying that the models currently used to form a society aren’t accurate enough and don’t adequately account for human behaviour. We need to adapt our models and make them better, not rely on philosophy from 100+ years ago.

      • @unfreeradical
        18 months ago

        I feel doubtful that a society being permanently stable is necessarily the most important objective.

        Try to understand what people need and seek in their lives, and consider how certain organization may promote or impede their capacity to reach or to achieve such needs and wants.

        Try not to worry about the absolute count of negative events or negative actors. Most important is the structural resilience against such stress.

        • TWeaK
          18 months ago

          I feel doubtful that a society being permanently stable is necessarily the most important objective.

          That’s exactly what I’ve said from the beginning. Society needs to be more flexible, and if our current models are to be effecitve they need to be “shaken up” so as to prevent extreme exploitation by those who gather power and influence over society.

          Try to understand what people need and seek in their lives, and consider how certain organization may promote or impede their capacity to reach or to achieve such needs and wants.

          Again, that’s what I said near the beginning. Society should aim to meet the core needs of the people. After that, society should provide the opportunity for people to meet their desires - but this must be tempered so as not to meet the desires of some at the expense of other peoples’ needs.

          It’s not about any asolute count of negative events or negative actors, rather that such things will inevitably happen. Structural resiliance against such things is exactly what I’m saying is lacking in most societies - all too often sociopaths are allowed to take the helm and steer society towards depravity, for their own personal gain. A perfect societal structure must account for this, and our current implementations across the globe do not.

          • @unfreeradical
            18 months ago

            Exploitation and autocracy are expressly encouraged by particular structure, though, whereas antagonized by other.

            I encourage seeking to develop those structures protect the empowerment of everyone.

            • TWeaK
              18 months ago

              Exploitation and autocracy are expressly encouraged by particular structure, though, whereas antagonized by other.

              Again, you’re skirting around saying things. If you want to say that capitalism is bad and communism is good that’s fine by me.

              Personally, I see flaws in both systems. They’re different, but both are susceptible to exploitation, albeit in slightly different forms. It’s only through constant review and viligilance that the rot can be kept away.

              • @unfreeradical
                8 months ago

                Communism is not complacency or obedience.

                It is simply the eradication of the systems of exploitation.

                • TWeaK
                  18 months ago

                  And yet, in many countries that have applied communism people still get exploited.

                  • @unfreeradical
                    18 months ago

                    If worker exploitation has not been overcome, then communism has not been achieved.

                    As I say, I feel doubtful that you genuinely understand communism.