• @Why9
    11 months ago

    They didn’t say the children were shot. They said they were wounded.

    24 times? With a sniper rifle? Come on dude. Spare yourself some dignity and think for a second before you say something that makes zero sense.

    Sniper rifles will shoot through windows, interior walls, equipment, human bodies, etc

    OK. Again. 24 times??? Dude. It’s a SNIPER. You know, the one where they say “I have a clear shot, I’m taking it”. You think they’re shooting through walls that many times that (if we assume a crazy high rate of 25% hit children unintentionally because of course they weren’t aiming at kids!), that’s still 24 * 4 = 96 shots at a hospital? Why not use an assault rifle at that point? With a sniper rifle, you watch, you wait, and you make sure you have a shot before taking it. If you miss, you regroup. There’s no mention of a high value target, no mention of Hamas activity inside. If they had that intel, it would be on the news for sure.

    Again, as usual, the people to be mad at here are the literal terrorists committing literal war crimes by turning hospitals into battlegrounds

    No. Not ONCE have they actually confirmed that the target they’re after was killed. Every target is a valid target if they say so after the fact. The hospital they bombed and were so sure had a tunnel, was not true .

    Sure, Hamas is a rebel force to Israel but the sheer number of collateral damage to kill even a single Hamas soldier is completely out of this world. Even in this scenario, 1 person killed, 24 wounded by sniper fire, and they didn’t even confirm who the target was or if they got him.

    • @SCB
      -511 months ago

      OK. Again. 24 times??? Dude. It’s a SNIPER

      This is strong evidence that what I’m saying is exactly correct. Idk why you think it isn’t.

      In what universe does a sniper miss 24 times.

      • @Why9
        511 months ago

        In what universe does a sniper miss 24 times.

        Exactly! They were aiming for children!

        What kind of sniper shoots into walls etc enough times to wound that many children?

        I don’t get what you’re not understanding about this.

        • @SCB
          11 months ago

          They were aiming for children!

          “The Jews are both so brutal and strong that they purposely aim at children in hospitals and so pathetically weak that none of those children died.”

          You’re really nailing the whole Goebbels angle here.

          • @Why9
            111 months ago

            The Jews are both so brutal and strong that they purposely aim at children in hospitals and so pathetically weak that none of those children died.

            That’s exactly right. Shoot to maim, cripple the hospital infrastructure to prevent aid, anaesthetics, water etc. To be provided so that they suffer the most gruesome pain as doctors struggle to treat them.

            You’re really nailing the whole Goebbels angle here. We’re talking about Jews here. Those are your words, not mine.

          • @Why9
            011 months ago

            Removed by mod

      • @mightyfoolish
        011 months ago

        Because you clearly love terrorism.

        • @SCB
          11 months ago

          Where did I imply I am happy about anything going on in this entire situation?

          I am not arguing out of team loyalty. I’m correcting people saying incorrect things.

          The IDF are not comic book villains. They’re an army fighting battles in a very populated city. What is happening is exactly what everyone said would happen.

          It is not some weird child sniping event. It’s a fucking war zone and this is a tragedy. A tragedy that could have been prevented if terrorists weren’t fighting from within a hospital.

          Do I think this could be handled better? Hell yes. Why the fuck are there still people in said hospital? Why was the first move upon approaching not to fortify somewhere nearby and invite all those people to come be protected?

          You can be an asshole commanding troops to advance without protecting civilians without being a comic book villain.

          With how intense this situation has become among people, I am of the belief that taking a bad thing and using language that magnifies it as much as possible is a bad idea. I’m arguing against doing that, and instead discussing reality.

          • @mightyfoolish
            011 months ago
            1. They have been harassing Jerusalem and other West Bank Palestinians alot lately, and have not let up since Ramadan (nearly 9 months ago). You can literally get an IDF tour guide to go harass Palestinians at the Temple Mount. They even bring their kids.
            2. They have been targeting hospitals for decades.
            3. They are contaminating West Bank water.
            4. They turn off West Bank water whenever they feel like it.
            5. Gaza isn’t an independent entity. Anyone who tries to trade with them gets on America’s bad list.
            6. They should have excepted by now that Gaza is not part of Israel. Funny enough, it was never part of the biblical Israel or Judah.
            7. Most importantly. Gaza cannot have allies. Gaza has no options. It was all calculated. Israel has even funded Hamas before. Yes, it’s all literally comic book villainry.