Just once I’d like a post where everyone is chill and positive about stuff instead of focusing on negative

Edit: I dunno why I expect people to ever be capable of being positive anymore. Dunno why I bother.

    • @MajorHavoc
      211 year ago


      During the Klingon scenes, I just want someone to rush down the corridor with silly string and water balloons filled with neon shades of paint.

      I get it, their Klingon society is feudal, and on the brink of even more war. But they could still try letting some natural light in. If nothing else, their plants will live longer.

      Oh gosh, I just got the joke in The Orville about the Klingon-equivalent race being extremely light sensitive. I don’t know how I missed that before.

      • MaggiWuerze
        1 year ago

        I really liked how they displayed the Klingons, went a bit away from the old humans with a bad rash on the forehead trope. Also that they spoke Klingons when no non-Klingons is around.

        But yeah, the lighting was atrocious, but that was a flaw on the whole show. It all waas so unnecessary dark.

        • @MajorHavoc
          41 year ago


          The actual additions to Klingon lore, and cultrue, I loved.

          I just wished I could have seen more of it with better lighting.

          (As opposed to the the Kelvin universe, which I wish I could have sen more of with less lens flare. Haha. I’m realizing I might be a lighting snob.)

        • @rambaroo
          1 year ago

          Well that also undid the lore that says all the humanoid races have a common ancestor which I thought was one of the few good pieces of ST lore.

          • MaggiWuerze
            11 year ago

            Does it? It is just more pronounced, which I like. I thought the common ancestors thing isn’t really canon

          • @[email protected]M
            11 year ago

            That bit of lore is completely silly. Humans share a common ancestor with bananas if we go back far enough, and “The Chase” proposes to go back even further than that. Still a good episode, though.

            However, nothing in Disco’s Klingon’s undoes that. We saw Klingon precursors when Worf was devolved into one in “Genesis” – another episode that has a Hollywood writer’s understanding of evolution – and he had an exoskeleton, mandibles, and spit acid.

    • StametsOP
      21 year ago

      And there’s plenty to like as well. But once again, thanks for looking at this posts description about positivity and flagrantly ignore it to give throwaway negative comments. You did the same thing over on another post earlier of someone saying they like Discovery. I’m so tired of this hatefilled focus on Discovery. So many people here are able to share their opinions about not liking Discovery respectfully and without randomly throwing it in everyones faces. Why do people like you have to always double down and drill in that hatred everytime it’s even mentioned? You’re just… exhausting.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        I like Discovery. I’m a little behind on it I think (maybe?) But it’s entertaining. Later seasons, you can tell that the writers got some inspiration from DS9 and Voyager, because that’s how it feels.

        Lower Decks is grand, and doesn’t feel like it’s Trek, but it is, and it’s definitely new.

        • MaggiWuerze
          41 year ago

          My main issue was that they constantly broke protocol in a way no captain would have tolerated. They didn’t seem like professionals at all.

          In other shows people were demoted from a fraction of what happened on the discovery. And Michael actually gets rewarded for this behavior.

          I don’t know if that gets better after they join the new federation, I never made it this far

      • @jackoneill
        71 year ago

        My main issue with Discovery was that it never felt like Star Trek. I always called it BBC’s Trek through the Stars because to me it felt like a BBC drama set in a vaguely Trek like universe. It was a good show, just didn’t FEEL like Trek. Strange New Worlds though? Feels just like the Trek I miss

        • MaggiWuerze
          21 year ago

          It was very drama heavy. I feel like they focused a bit too much on the meta plot.

        • @Kucifus
          11 year ago

          BBC is a good comparison, similar to Dr Who and Sherlock vibe. People who enjoy those I imagine would like the Kurtzman trek shows.

      • MaggiWuerze
        41 year ago

        Sorry, I actually didn’t even see the description. But I don’t think I overstate my dislike of the show, it’s just a part of the topic that there will be people not liking it.

        You are obviously a huge fan of the show, which is fine, but that doesn’t mean I have to be.

      • Aa!
        21 year ago

        Michelle Yeoh made up for all my complaints. I could never get enough of her.