• @MotoAsh
    11 months ago

    It is CRITICALLY important to not push back against “common” sense.

    1. It is not common. As cliche as the expression is, it is TRUE. A lot of people DO need to hear it.
    2. It can give the appearance of pushback to the inciting concept. Yes, it takes someone with low social skills to pick up the wrong message, but that is common!

    Children always have low social skills, and we both know many people don’t improve much past 16. Just because you know it doesn’t mean everyone else knows it. Stop making the same assumptions a child makes, assuming everyone knows what’s in your head. Some people cannot even read.

    • @[email protected]
      -211 months ago

      I never said anything about common sense. I never assumed what everyone knows. You might be replying to the wrong person.

      • @MotoAsh
        11 months ago

        No, you are just choosing to fail to understand how it applies. YOU are the one making assumptions, dingus. Don’t assume common sense is common. It is not.

          • @MotoAsh
            11 months ago

            Yes you are. You are saying something needn’t be said because it should be obvious… That’s definitionally common sense.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              No, I’m saying that anyone who manages to find their way into this community should know at least the basics of what communism is. You’re preaching to the choir. You’re teaching a pig how to shit.

              This isn’t ‘common knowledge’, it’s specific subject area knowledge that is foundational to the discussion.

              • @MotoAsh
                111 months ago

                and again… Common knowledge is not common. You would be surprised at how many tankie morons there are in the world. All it takes is someone who recognizes the world sucks and that right wingers only make it worse. It requires NO OTHER realizations to become a “lefty”.

                MANY people arrive at leftist positions having done virtually zero thought on how the use of authority plays out.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  You’re tying yourself in knots, here. It’s really quite simple.

                  Those people are not communists. End of. Your statement was something every communist knows.

                  Yes - every one. Every last single one. Anyone who doesn’t understand that, isn’t a communist. To be authoritarian is to stand against communism. You’re making this more complex than it is an an effort to dominate me, and that also strikes me as a rather authoritarian move.

                  So, where does that leave us?

                  • @MotoAsh
                    11 months ago

                    You are beyond pathetic if you think a No True Scottsman fallacy is an effective defense against common sense…

                    People use words how they THINK they mean, not what’s written in the dictionary. Or are you truly so fucking stupid that you think there are zero people out there that think China is actually communist, or the DPRK is actually democratic?

                    You are being even dumber than tankies by using a logical fallacy as an axiom. Literally no one is convinced by, “that’s not the definition of the word, tho” when talking politics. If you say, “that’s not communism, though”, they’ll just point at China, and say, “yea, well the CCP exists! Is an entire country lying about what the word means?! You’re just dumb.” Now you’re sitting there looking like a dumbass because you want to obstinantly defend the WORD “communism”.