• @just_another_person
    11 months ago

    Food scientist checking in, and I want to address a few things I hate about this video:

    1. Foil will STEAM the bird, as will the egg itself, so it’s redundant aside from not contacting the shell of the egg
    2. Dairy in a marinade will acidify the skin and “cook” it much like citric acid, so unless you want something like a shawarma that has a specific texture, don’t do this to a turkey (especially with the skin on as it won’t crisp)
    3. The lady preparing the bird has a huge collection of metal cooking utensils behind her, so this is clearly for effect as they obviously have an iron dutch oven in the room
    4. The steamed and unseasoned potatoes at the bottom of a cold cavity like this will not cook as fast as the Turkey, and will still be raw before the bird burns. I think the intended effect is to have the drippings season the potatoes, but it will only be skin deep as the starches from the potatoes will already have solidified by the time enough drippings come out of the foil to hit the potatoes. You can see how burnt the outsides are, but clumpy and raw the insides are when he breaks them open
    5. Earthware, even after cured, adds a REALLY funky smell and taste to the food. They should have used that dutch oven
    6. The wet clay/mud they put on the outside of the egg is equally as redundant as the foil, and will add more to that funky taste
    7. If this is simply about ancient cooking, this is way more work than creating a steamer basket of all these ingredients with foil and putting over indirect heat, which we see in the video they have easy access to

    I just don’t get the point of the video except for awful food because you can, and a lot of extra effort. If this was truly about “Ancient Cooking”, then skip the foil and parchment. That’s quite modern. This feels like this awful puppy rescue videos that took over the internet a few years ago.

    Edit: Also want to mention that I’m pretty sure that bird didn’t cook long enough. I rewatched again when she was breaking it down, and those legs should pulled apart quite easily since this was steamed. The collagen in those legs and thighs should have melted away in the in the first two hours of cooking at 400F and above, and she had a bit of a struggle with them. This is just not a good video.

    Edit 2: Turns out this is a content farm of complete bullshit anyway. They have a dozen channels of different names with the same couple doing the same dumb shit. Puppy rescue all over again.