This community has been abandoned by its creator. It needs one or more new moderators to bring it back to life! If you are interested in becoming a moderator, leave a comment in this post.

You can message @[email protected] with any questions.

  • Decoy321M
    411 months ago

    I’m willing to join the mod team in a more passive role. I also mod a few other communities and check my mod feed on a daily basis. I’m not really an active content generator, so if that’s what you’re looking for, I would keep that feeler out there.

    • kersplooshOP
      411 months ago

      Honestly, just having a set of eyes on the community is a big step in the right direction. You’re hired!

      As you suggested, I’ll leave this post up and see if anyone else would like to join you.

      • Decoy321M
        411 months ago

        Thanks, I’m happy to help! Anyone else, feel free to join us!