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  1. Donate the maximum amount legally allowed (as an individual).
  2. Tell the Member that you would like to become a bundler.

(A bundler is a person or small group of people who pool or aggregate contributions “from the community” and then deliver them in one lump sum to a political campaign).

  1. Once you have raised a sizeable amount, deliver the money to the Senator so they can use it wisely. In turn, trade stock options based on insider information to the tune of millions, be super glad that you helped the democratic process!

1% vs the 99%

    • DessertStorms
      101 year ago

      The problem is not being able to diferenciate between disabled people fighting tooth and nail for their rights, and oil companies (as a single example of capitalisms) paying pocket change over cocktails to continue exploiting humanity and destroying the planet.

      They are not the same, nor do they deserve the same rights and considerations, yet disabled people are still marginalised and widely discriminated against, while oil companies make record profits, because they’re actively working to convince people like you that they are the same, and do deserve the same consideration, and that if you stop them, you’ll be harming disabled people too. They’re literally concern trolling you while they stomp all over the disabled people you’ve evoked to argue for the capitalists’ rights, as well as billions of others.

      • Brave Little Hitachi Wand
        41 year ago

        Yes. And the fact is that if you are trying to systematically tip the scales in favor of moneyed interests versus the general electorate, the lobbyist system looks like a good design choice.

        • DessertStorms
          1 year ago

          Exactly - it’s there for those already hoarding all the wealth and power to control government, not an actual viable route for “every people” (never mind those who are further marginalised) to have any impact whatsoever on the system those aforementioned people are maintaining.

        • DessertStorms
          1 year ago

          No, clearly not better:

          A blanket end to “lobbying” would also lock out citizens groups.

          they already are locked out, one group that you clearly don’t care about but I happen to be a member of managing to fight despite the current system to get less than the bare minimum isn’t the proof you think it is of lobbying providing access.

          But hey, if arguing in favour of avenues for legal corruption is the hill you want to die on, knock yourself the fuck out, you just don’t get to do that, especially when you try to (badly!) use marginalised people as your debate tool, without getting your bullshit called out… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

          Also, fuck off patronising and tone policing me, your first reply was perfectly clear, and me telling you you’re wrong and explaining why isn’t you being persecuted, despite how it might feel to your clearly privileged and wilfully ignorant (of, at the bare minimum, the fight for disability rights, never mind how lobbying actually works and who it actually serves) self.