
  • @[email protected]
    711 months ago

    Yes, I was listing ways this could be solved without throwing out the baby with the bath water. For one, to point out that they really did actively choose the worst option.
    But also, because as a professional software developer, I’m sympathetic to needing to roll out updates, even if they’re not security-relevant, since you can’t perfect your code before shipping.

    Having said that, I do think, the professional/commercial software development model is terrible for such basic utility applications. Use an open-source application instead, where the hobbyist dev does have the time and passion to perfect the code before shipping it.

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I just want owning a piece of software to be like owning a physical object again. It has its own look, it’s own behaviors and quirks, and you choose it for those and come to rely on it for what it is and what it does. That this can all be pulled out from under you at any time without your say-so runs counter to user agency.

      Also, as a developer I’m just lazy and want to be able to publish projects and then not have to keep updating them for 20 years.