Hi. I had a little bit of a breakdown earlier last week (it’s okay, I’m fine, I just got upset with myself and wasn’t in a good headspace to begin with) and during my little break from sanity, I threw a hairspray can at my mirror. It shattered. It’s currently still on the wall (the fragments seem to be glued to the backing) and I’m still using the half of it that’s not shattered, but I need to replace it soon, and despite being mostly agnostic on superstitions and stuff, I’ve apparently got it into my head now that I’ve unleashed bad luck on myself. So from a chaos magic standpoint (my belief in 7 years of bad luck being the important variable), I am subjecting myself to 7 years of bad luck if I don’t either do something about this, or sufficiently convince myself that it’s taken care of.

So, what can I do about a broken mirror? Stuff I read on a wiccan forum talked about grinding the mirror into a powder (impractical, I can’t really see being able to do that safely with the tools and workspace I have - I’ll put my eye out or something), dumping the shards into a stream that flows south (littering and doing who-knows-what to the critters that live in that stream), or burying the shards under cover of darkness (this approach seems most doable).

My question is, what would y’all recommend? And if you went the burial route, what kind of ritual would you build around it?

And afterwards, to just ensure that “bad luck” is warded away, would you think just a regular banishing ritual (like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram) would suffice?

  • @AwkwardPenguin
    01 year ago

    Not an expert here but I’d try having sex seven times in a row. Don’t know if it helps but sure couldn’t do any harm right?