Thats if you turn it off entirely, which would make your food go bad and cost far more in spoiled food?
If they are jhst turning it on and off at peak times, its hardly going to save anything, as the fridge will work harder to reach temp again. Which also risks burning it out faster.
How can turning off the fridge make any sense? Unless its secondary fridges/freezers?
There is a huge trend in the media, and has been for a long time, to feature commentators from older generations lecturing younger generations on saving money in order to distract from the worsening economic situation for everyone (except the 1%)
Do you have any indication that this advice on fridge-freezers came from a ‘boomer’ - or indeed anywhere? Or are you just displaying your own prejudices?
Thats if you turn it off entirely, which would make your food go bad and cost far more in spoiled food?
If they are jhst turning it on and off at peak times, its hardly going to save anything, as the fridge will work harder to reach temp again. Which also risks burning it out faster.
How can turning off the fridge make any sense? Unless its secondary fridges/freezers?
Grim indeed.
If you are turning off your fridge to save money, you likely do not have much in there to worry about going off.
Sometimes, you’re bombarded with stupid ideas from boomers, and at one point, you’ve to at least partially give in…
Ahh yes only boomers can be dumb. It could never be an idiot gen A. They are just so much smarter than everyone out there!
There is a huge trend in the media, and has been for a long time, to feature commentators from older generations lecturing younger generations on saving money in order to distract from the worsening economic situation for everyone (except the 1%)
Do you have any indication that this advice on fridge-freezers came from a ‘boomer’ - or indeed anywhere? Or are you just displaying your own prejudices?
Yes let’s blame people born around 2010 as they are clearly the reason for all the problems in the UK right now. Idiot…