Transphobic comments

Intentionally silencing the truth

  • @interceder270
    7 months ago

    He has a point, but it’s not really limited to trans people.

    Mental illness in general seems to be revered among this generation, for some reason. I had to make some decisions about what sexes to include in my app, and I just went with ‘male, female, and other.’ I know that’s going to piss some people off, but they can just deal with it.

    The amount of additional work required to add and maintain a list of genders just isn’t worth it. Thankfully this is mostly an issue in Western culture, and my app is worldwide.

    People with an agenda expect you to bend over backwards to support that agenda because they care more about their agenda than what you’re actually doing.

    • 2xsaiko
      07 months ago

      You don’t need to maintain a list. Either don’t have it at all or make it a free form text input.

      • @interceder270
        07 months ago

        Nah, that won’t work because people are exposed to other users based on their preferences.

        They would need to match preferences exactly, which I could allow them to specify but I think it would overcomplicate things without much benefit.

        • 2xsaiko
          27 months ago

          Okay, that’s different. In most cases it’s there for display purposes only.

    • @RageAgainstTheRich
      -17 months ago

      Nobody will get upset about those 3 options. People might get pissed though at you being a dick about it and yelling about mental illnesses.

      But its a nice excuse to be a bigot and then when people call you out, just act like its about the options in your application.

      • @interceder270
        37 months ago

        Who is yelling/being a dick? I’m talking about “people with an agenda expecting you to bend over backwards to support that agenda because they care more about their agenda than what you’re actually doing.” There are people with mental illness who suffer genuine duress when others don’t “bend over backwards to support their agenda.”

        On the other side of the spectrum, you’ll have people getting mad I even include an ‘other’ option at all. Why? Because it goes against their agenda. They don’t actually care about what I’m doing. They want to use it as a prop to support their ideals.

        • @[email protected]
          -17 months ago

          You seem to have contempt for the people you’re describing. You would have had a winning comment if you had said the second sentence of the original comment and stopped. No need for the dismissive commentary.