The Dutch minister of Defense is furious about the leaking of a memo that confirms israel does not have a plan in Gaza and is trying to maximize civilian casualties.

  • @cuibono
    8 months ago

    The Dutch minister of Defense is furious about the leaking of a memo that confirms israel does not have a plan in Gaza and is trying to maximize civilian casualties.

    Seems like they should be more furious about the fact that a supposed dear ally is trying to maximize civilian casualties. But I guess when you live in the upside down it’s the whistleblowers who are actually the villains.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      148 months ago

      The Netherlands is currently making good money selling F35 parts to Israel to repair their bombers with. The PM Mark Rutte is trying to become the next head of NATO. Stop trying to ruin his future please.

      There are poor F35 farmers that need this money to feed their families.