• @FontMasterFlex
    211 months ago

    Do you think no woman out there has ever lost everything and fucked up every chance they get? But societally speaking it’s more acceptable to get help and talk about their fuck ups without judgement.

    I think you’re forgetting that it’s infinately easier for women to do this as well. just as in OP’s post, people ask women if they are ok. women are engaged by strangers if they are crying on a park bench. men are mocked. I don’t know if you’re a man or woman, but it’s rough out there for a dude.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      No, I’m not forgetting it. What I’m saying is that it’s easier for women BECAUSE of the perpetuation of the “suck it up men” attitude by other men like OP. And that needs to stop.

      Women do it to other men too, don’t get me wrong, but if you** (presumed male) know how hard it is for men out there, why are you not reaching out to your male peers? Is that not just perpetuating the status quo? Change has to start somewhere, and it should be within our male peergroups.

      **you in a general, singular sense, not you specifically FontMasterFlex