Hey! Thanks to the whole Reddit mess, I’ve discovered the fediverse and its increidible wonders and I’m lovin’ it :D

I’ve seen another post about karma, and after reading the comments, I can see there is a strong opinion against it (which I do share). I’d love to hear your opinions, what other method/s would you guys implement? If any ofc

  • postscarce
    2 years ago

    So instead of ‘up’ and ‘down’, you have a clickable emoji-menu like list of tags like ‘interesting’, ‘boring’, ‘funny’, ‘WTF!?’, ‘Quality’, ‘Trash’, ‘Educational’, ‘CAT’, etc…

    I’m not sure about this. How do you decide which qualities users can rate? How do you ensure those qualities work across instances with different languages / cultures? You’re also taking something which is extremely low effort and making it take significantly more time and effort. I think the simplicity, universality, and low effort of upvote / downvote are all strengths.

    • @VGarKOP
      22 years ago

      This would take some work, however, it is possible. Almost all the languages share some common concepts, such as love, hate, disgust, “what the eff”, cute… the symbology of them may be different, in japan, this🫰🏻means ❤️, for instance. It would be a matter of i18n the tags for a better localisation

      • Moira_Mayhem
        22 years ago

        I got some inspiration from the Dark Souls messages system, and how it can be cross language

        • @VGarKOP
          12 years ago

          Never reached that far on any Dark Souls to even need to send messages/emotes… 😂

    • Moira_Mayhem
      22 years ago

      There will be a set of tags that the community settles on, things like ‘funny’ and ‘informative’, but also like with any hashtag I think users should be able to create their own and then let other users choose to use or ignore it. This means each community can create their own tag noetic library where the tags only apply to that community’s meaning.

      For example the tag ‘sick’ may mean ‘awesome’ in the extreme sports subs but mean ‘actually ill’ in the medical subs, and people can use both freely knowing that it will be the community connotation that is used.

      This also means it is language agnostic and people can use the language they use the site in to create new tag clouds for communities.

      And with the coming AI chatbot age and forum manipulation, we NEED something better than simple, we need something adaptive, language agnostic, and community focused.