FSF approved distro (now Linux based soon with own FLOSS-BSD-kernel)

Do you want to participate? (esp. BSD-kernel-dev would be very welcome 😁)

  • Presi300
    11 months ago

    But you can use gnu/Linux without systemd, or hell, even without the gnu, Linux is just a kernel and has never been a unix philosophy following kernel, and neither is BSD afaik, they are both monolithic kernels. Not to mention that most currently existing BSD operating systems don’t use old-school init scripts anyways, they either use openrc or are MacOS and use the literal predecessor of systemd…

    • FratoOP
      11 months ago

      That is true. There are linux distros around with musl/busybox (alpine) and some distros without systemd. But i would really appreciate a fsf-conform distro with a fsf-conform BSD-kernel and the bsd userland - it’s just a nice addition to the existing oss-os world. It is not about “this OR that” - why not have both?

      p.s. both runit and openrc are close enough to the unix philosophy

      p.s.s. yes, macos derived from openBSD and is using a sytemd-like init, but - as said - macos mainly targets end-user system… it’s o’right for that - i think power users prefer os-designs closer to the unix philosophy.

      • Presi300
        111 months ago

        I don’t wanna sound like I’m hating on BSD, I’m not, I just don’t see the point of parabola splitting their development efforts to develop another niche BSD-based operating system, instead of focusing on parabola gnu/Linux or hell, even contributing to pre-existing BSD-based projects like freebsd or openbsd

        • FratoOP
          11 months ago

          nevermind, parabola is a great distro (with openrc version), but hyperbola will not draw dev-power from pb, because it will be a completly own breed. Yes the existing BSD’s are great, but none of them are fsf conform.

          The effort of the hb-bsd will produce OSS that can synergize with all the projects you named.