A group of Scots students took on a “stiff” charity challenge as they cycled 400 miles from Cock Lane to Dick Place.

The eight Edinburgh University lads wanted to do something hard for Movember - so they decided to cycle from Cock Lane near Smithfield Market in London to Dick Place in Edinburgh - a journey of 388 miles. On Sunday afternoon, the peloton reached their destination - after 36 hours straight of cycling.

Alex, studying Biomedical Sciences, said: "The whole route idea came from a meme of an ultimate road trip across the UK through all sexual innuendo named places.

Mungo, studying Computer Science, said: "London to Edinburgh is a famous ultra-cycling challenge, it’s quite a famous route that people like to take on, so it’s a bit of a twist on that.

Some of the group have taken part in previous Movember challenges, including riding 525km around the famously steep Arthur’s Seat hill in 2021 and completing a 500km ride around the Scottish Borders in 2022. But this year’s challenge has been the toughest so far - seeing the team cycle a total of 625km and hoping to raise five times more than last year’s fundraising total of £3k.

  • @Sanctus
    311 months ago

    Theres good in this world, Mr Frodo.