The Guardian removed a 21-year-old letter from Osama Bin Laden after a TikToker urged followers to read the al Qaeda leader’s missive.

  • @RunawayFixer
    137 months ago

    Climate was already known to become the future’s biggest problems for a long time back then. I read once that Al Gore campaigned in the 1980s with climate change as one of the action points. So no, it’s not a new problem.

    • Pons_Aelius
      107 months ago

      I read once that Al Gore campaigned in the 1980s with climate change as one of the action points.

      I was taught climate change in earth science in high school in 1982. The was no controversy. It was taught as an accepted fact and settled science, which it was.

      It has been heart breaking to see basically the worst case predictions come true.

        • @JustZ
          27 months ago

          Haha. Never saw that.

          Dude had me rolling, “I think afterwards I will take my own life. What will I have done?”


      • HubertManne
        37 months ago

        oh yeah it was known if the momentum coming out of the 70’s kept going straight through to now we would likely not be in such a bad spot. We would still be talking about climate change as a future thing. Unfortunately reagan removed jimmies solar panels from the white house and taught-ed how taxes and regulation was bad and greed is good and the market will take care of everything and well now we are here.

        • @Yokozuna
          7 months ago

          Fucking reganomics wrecked everything good we had going for us.

      • @JustZ
        17 months ago

        And it still is, too.

        If you cannot walk outside the door wherever you are right now and see the evidence of climate change it’s only because you don’t know what to look for, cause it’s there.