This is for people that I live with.

I don’t mean any lame team building exercises, but casual group activities. It could be something mundane like organizing a trip to the store together. Movie trips would also be fine as would showing something on the home projector, though I feel like there’d be more distractions and temptation at home.

  • Brainsploosh
    1 year ago

    Other than that, the autists I know all enjoy a wide variety of activities, although intensity and dosage will differ.

    Some love martial arts, some are foodies, some enjoy hiking/sailing/outdoorsmanship, some are into tantra/burning man/hippie stuff, some love organising events, some are into animals, and almost all overlap into many different hobbies. Just like allistic people.

    What they do need however is for the activity to be adaptable to the energy levels they have that day. If you’ve had an overwhelming day at work, it’s gonna be a whole different beast to go to a concert or interactive art exhibit.

    If your social battery is at 4% before the event, it’s gonna be tough to mingle for an unspecified length of time. Make space for social recovery, or to pace themselves, or to vary the intensity, or to recover afterwards, and you’ll all be better off.