I’ve never been a big user, but as I’ve grown older, pot has made me pass out more than once. I took a drag off of a joint at a festival a few years ago and passed out and couldn’t be revived for 5-10 minutes. They said my blood pressure dropped dramatically. I’m wondering if this happens to anybody else

  • Kalkaline
    201 year ago

    The big problem in your situation is your blood pressure dropped significantly. Maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe not, but you should definitely see a doctor and talk to them about your blood pressure and see what they have to say. Lots of reasons that can happen.

      • Kalkaline
        71 year ago

        Did you tell them about your blood pressure dropping and passing out?

          • Kalkaline
            171 year ago

            Then you should probably listen to your doctor and not seek a 2nd opinion from randoms on the Internet. If you look long enough you’ll hear what you want to hear.