This is one of a series of discussion posts based on questions from the AQ-10 autism test.

5. I know how to tell if someone listening to me is getting bored.

  • Definitely Agree
  • Slightly Agree
  • Slightly Disagree
  • Definitely Disagree

Is this statement true for you? Can you think of any examples? Is it an easy or difficult question for you to answer?

You can take the full AQ-10 test here. Note this test is intended as a quick screener, and cannot diagnose or rule out any condition on its own.

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    31 year ago

    I can tell if someone listening to me is getting bored when they directly tell me. If they try to change the topic or get mad at me, I wonder why they are rude or emotional. It will be days later that I will maybe realize it’s because they were bored. I have no clue based on facial expressions because the way I look when I’m interested in what someone is saying is apparently the way other people look when they are bored.