• NoneOfUrBusiness
    -38 months ago

    It’s also because the administration isn’t trying hard enough. Reagan stopped the bombing of West Beirut with a phone call. Biden should at least be able to get Israel to follow the rules of war if he threatens them with cutting aid. Also these are 1200 people in a population of 10 million. I find it very hard to believe that most people know someone who was killed or captured.

    • @SheeEttin
      28 months ago

      Yeah, but Biden knows that if he cuts aid, the vocal Jewish/Israel/Zionist lobby will freak the fuck out.

      • @interceder270
        78 months ago

        Who… cares? Why should zionists get more influence over American foreign policy than the rest of Americans?

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          Exactly. Why in the hell are we bending over backwards to make one group happy when most sentiment is moving in a different direction?

          I don’t understand why everyone in DC is so scared of Israeli lobbyists.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            Makes you wonder what dirt Mossad has on any of our politicians.

            Which in a roundabout way is an argument for term limits; higher turnover provides less opportunity for skeletons to pile up in closets to compromise any vestigal integrity they have after becoming a politician.

            • @Aqarius
              07 months ago

              Well, unofficially, it’s sort of recognised Ghislaine Maxwell’s father was an Israeli spy.