• @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      Only opinion I care about is everyone is an asshole. If anyone just says Israel must stop without providing any credible pathway for hamas to stop is short sighted. Israel war crimes 100 articles, hamas war crimes 10 articles. Where are the articles for call to hamas to surrender all hostages and weapons?

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      We’re not defending the Hamas terrorists. They deserve the fight that’s coming to them.

      We’re criticizing Israel’s indiscriminate killing of civilians. It’s about as close to genocide as they can get.

      As far as I’m concerned, if Hamas is hiding in a hospital or school or any other place, then IDF will just have to find another way to engage them. Shelling hospitals is cowardly, even if done as retribution for the terrible attacks on October 7th.

      • @scarabic
        -11 year ago

        I honestly don’t know what people expect in a conflict where the asymmetry of power is 100:1. For Hamas to march right out in the open to be cut down by drone fire? That’d be really convenient for Israel.

        People with no legal status, no country, no rights, living under constant occupation in an outdoor prison have little obligation to observe the “laws” governing war. They’re all in it. There are no civilians in Gaza.

    • @OccamsTeapot
      61 year ago


      Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated;

      This is a war crime whether or not it was a “military target.”

      Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions;

      Doesn’t matter if it’s a military target here either. The lack of supplies killed people.

      If I’m missing something here please explain. I am not attacking you or saying Hamas doesn’t commit war crimes or anything of the sort. I am simply confused as to why people say this when it doesn’t seem (to me) to be the case.

    • @scarabic
      1 year ago

      When you are in an asymmetric conflict with a foe 100x as powerful, you dont give a shit if they say “hey that’s against the rules! you have to stand out in the open where we can kill you clean!” The American revolutionaries were called cowards and terrorists for staging guerilla attacks instead of marching clean lines of soldiers into battlefields in bright coats. They didn’t care either.

      Israel practices collective punishment upon all Palestinians and is currently attacking the country. If nine men were guarding that hospital with these nine rifles, they were probably quite welcome there.

      This little table of small arms is supposed to convince us they’d turned the hospital into a base? Get the fuck outta here.

    • @ninja
      21 year ago

      One side committing war crimes doesn’t justify the other side committing war crimes. Everyone knows Hamas isn’t following the rules. If they did they wouldn’t have blown the wall and murdered swaths of civilians. That doesn’t justify murdering more civilians.

      • @scarabic
        21 year ago

        Yep. Hamas isn’t following the rules. If you want people to follow the rules you have to give them something to lose. We can’t expect laws to govern people with no legal status of any kind living in a non-country with zero rights.