I understand that certain medical procedures can kick-start perimenopause. But I’ve read people who post things like “I’ve been in [peri/]menopause for xx years…” and without something significant to indicate the starting point, how do you know? My symptoms started I have no idea when. For several years I’ve had issues that at first I attributed to other things. I’ve finally come to the conclusion that it’s perimenopause but how does anyone really know? Furthermore, to what extent does it matter?

  • Zerlyna
    42 years ago

    I’m not sure I knew the first year or so myself. After not feeling like myself for a few years, the hair falling out… sex drive bottomed out overnight. seemed like I went through 3 years of a spiral before getting a name to it. Started when I was 41-42? My gyn thought it was too early. She was wrong. I’m 48 now and my current gyn thinks I’m “firing blanks” now.

    • @HippityHopOP
      22 years ago

      Does “firing blanks” mean you still have your period but don’t ovulate?

      I never understood what happens to the eggs - we get them all at once (whenever they arrive - puberty? birth?) but surely we don’t have as many periods and pregnancies as we have eggs? What happens to the rest of them, I wonder?

      • Zerlyna
        22 years ago

        Yes about the firing blanks. That’s what my gyno thinks. He said my hormone levels are so low he doesn’t know why I still bleed.

    • @leftylibraM
      2 years ago

      gahh, I don’t know why doctors think that 41 is too early!