Senior men have higher rates of suicide than average, and firearms were involved in more than three-quarters of those deaths in 2021, according to a CDC report

  • @SupraMario
    511 months ago

    Your own source from the wiki link you posted says you’re wrong. Please provide a different source that says differently

    • @ABCDE
      111 months ago

      No it doesn’t. Provide your own if you disagree with the stats. You brought up Japan anyway, which is not relevant here but I humoured you anyway. The US is 31st in the world for suicides, most are done by guns. That’s shocking and your attempt at distraction is laughable.

      • @SupraMario
        111 months ago

        Are you blind or trolling? Cause the wiki link %100 shows Japan with a higher rate than the USA. I brought up Japan because you claimed our suicide rate was high because of guns…which isn’t why we have a high rate. I’m also not the one trying to conflate guns as the reason for high suicide numbers…

        • @ABCDE
          011 months ago

          I have provided the link and quoted the numbers. Stop fucking around because it’s really boring.

          Access to guns certainly makes the suicide rate high. There are other reasons for other countries having higher rates.

          • @SupraMario
            011 months ago

            No it does not. Tons of countries where no one has access to firearms still have high suicide rates. You don’t seem to be able to understand statistics.

            • @ABCDE
              211 months ago

              You couldn’t read basic stats from a Wiki page so what are you on about?

              Compare similar countries, such as Canada, the UK, EU nations, and other similar OECD nations.