One thing I’m starting to dislike running OSR adventures is the insane amount of treasure and magical items that you find. In addition, the more I read the DMG, the more I feel they were just too generous with treasure and had to come up of endless ways of spending it (training, upkeep, research, rust monsters, disenchanters, etc.).

  • @dethb0y
    21 year ago

    I mean if it’s your table you can set the loot value (and cost of things, for that matter) at whatever you want.

    For that matter you could have no loot at all and merely have them get better gear as they level, from their “mentor” or “guild” or the patron of a quest. Oh, you’re a level 5 thief, your mentor gave you a +2 dagger as a mark of your rank… etc etc.

    That said i think a lot of Players like having lots of loot and money because it’s fun to see big numbers and interesting items.