It’s getting cold and so I’m fumbling with my phone and other devices.

I like the idea of a large screen on my forearm, but I’m not sure how it would work. Maybe it would be cool?

I see some company tried in 2014 and probably didn’t get anywhere (see Arubixs Portal), and there was that infamous Kickstarter too

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Yup. Don’t care how heavy or ugly it is either. I’d probably buy the apple headset thing if it was cheaper, ran Linux, and wasn’t made by Apple. Can’t wait for the technology to come down in price.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I’m with you.

      In fact, I made my own. It’s fugly and dorky as hell, but it’s everything I want and nothing I don’t.

      I used a VuFine LCD eyepiece and hooked a raspi Zero W to it. Input via Bluetooth keyboard. Not a lot of screen real estate, so I went full CLI and wrote my own TUI with widget support so I can have an “active” app, plus a bunch of passive data widgets.