I have all Firefox Data Collection and Use options disabled.

Anyone know what all of these services are doing? I assume they’re for auto updates, account sync, and maybe pushing Pocket ads and/or sponsored pins?

Likely, I’ll block most, but curious if anyone knew.

  • @[email protected]
    3111 months ago

    I just googled a few URLs here, and found the following:

    mozgcp.net is the Mozilla Google Cloud Platform, looking at the links it connects to, it looks as if it is accessing settings for Google, then finding some certificates, accessing pictures for the Pocket service and doing some product detection, why, I have no idea.

    moz.works is Mozilla’s content delivery network, porbably nothing to worry about.

    mozaws.net is probably a service running on AWS, the autopush service seems to deal with the Push API: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Push_API

    mozilla.com looks quite benign at first glance, but googling firefox contile tells you that that service is used to push ads on the new tabs page: https://mozilla-services.github.io/contile/

    • Hal-5700X
      410 months ago

      mozgcp.net is the Mozilla Google Cloud Platform, looking at the links it connects to, it looks as if it is accessing settings for Google, then finding some certificates, accessing pictures for the Pocket service and doing some product detection, why, I have no idea.

      Also Google Safe Browsing?