Looking for some well priced door sensors. I heard the Xfinity / Comcast ones on ebay do well and also do temperature.
Anyone have any experience with them or know if anything better priced?
Looking for some well priced door sensors. I heard the Xfinity / Comcast ones on ebay do well and also do temperature.
Anyone have any experience with them or know if anything better priced?
If you have a Zigbee Coordinator, I’d recommend taking a look a Aqara.
I’ll second the aqara sensors. I’ve got them on all my doors and my dog food container so we don’t miss any feedings. ZigBee setup was quick and easy and so far they’ve been very fast and reliable.
I have a few of those. They work reasonably well, but they can be finicky to get on the network in the first place, in my experience. But I keep buying them so they must not be too bad.