I hadn’t taken my meds yet, and it was generally a foggy brain morning. I was already trying to decide what to do with the day when my husband asked.

Ladies, I seriously damn near cried cause I didn’t know what to say and my brain went “MEEP!”

Thankfully, my husband recognizes these moments and reassured me I had all the time in the world to decide and gave me options, which was helpful.

  • Mohkia
    511 months ago

    This is me anytime my husband asks me what I want to do or what I want to eat. Then I get upset when he gives me choices because then he wants me to choose. We have a system in place for the food thing now but some days it is a struggle. I’m sitting here right now trying to figure out what I want to do on this dreary cloudy rainy day. I am not feeling it today either.

    • @ickplantOPM
      411 months ago

      Dreary days are the worst! They rob me of the last molecules of dopamine and serotonin I have floating in my head. Did you end up finding something to do?

      I hear you on having some kind of system with your husband. Mine used to ask “What’s the plan?” which induced panic and executive function chaos in me. Now he knows to ask a simple yes/no of “Do we have a plan?” And I know it’s perfectly ok to say “no” or “I’m working on it” or “You plan something, and I’ll tag along.”

      • Mohkia
        311 months ago

        I spent half the day lost in my phone. 🙄 but I did manage to get the dishes done, a load of laundry and I somehow after that found the motivation to clear out one of the many doom piles in my living room. Just took me forever to get going. Made up for yesterday uselessness I guess.

        For food decisions I tell my husband to assign a number to the choices and I just randomly pick a number. I also will use my d&d dice to make choices. Reduces my choice meltdowns considerably. 😊

        • @ickplantOPM
          211 months ago

          I love the idea of using DnD dice! Turns it into a game, instantly makes me more interested. Also, you cleared out a doom pile‽ That’s amazing! I’d say that’s a productive day, especially considering you also did the laundry.

          Now you gave me the idea of gamefying my cleaning tomorrow, assigning little areas/chores that need to be cleaned to numbers and then using my d20 to choose. I’m honestly kind of excited, lol.

    • @Beetschnapps
      11 months ago

      You poor thing. Married and yet… having to decide on what to taste.

      Yea… such a struggle… you’ve likely tried nothing yet you’re all out of ideas! Others with depression or honestly anyone else who have lost family members, lost jobs, had health issues, are just sitting here and dealing with the same problems, but not posting…? No they aren’t. So what to eat… so hard so dreary…

      • Mohkia
        511 months ago

        I would like to thank you for reminding me that many people have it much worse than I do. It is very true. I did not want to bring up such hardships in this thread. I apologize for my lighthearted attempt at a comment and if it offended you in any way I am sorry. I hope everything is okay for you.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        I sometimes go days without eating due to decision paralysis, and that’s not the only health problem I experience due to ADHD. Not sure how you can come to the conclusion that depression is legitimate but other disorders are not. Weird take but ok.