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ABOUT: Rebecca Watson is the founder of the Skepchick Network, a collection of sites focused on science and critical thinking. She has written for outlets such as Slate, Popular Science, and the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. She's also the host of Quiz-o-tron, a rowdy, live quiz show that pits scientists against comedians. Asteroid 153289 Rebeccawatson is named after her (her real name being 153289).
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I take issue with this claim.
As evidence I present: https://mynoise.net
Also archive.org
I love how you can adjust the volume of individual noises. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for that. I’ll be using that as background noise when I read.
As someone with ADHD this is the only way I can get coding done. I put on usually 3 to 4 noises, at least one of them musical, and set them to a standard slider animation. Duduk Song and the Japanese Oase are two particular favourites, and the vocal generators are all pretty amazing. Oh! And the tuned cave droplets.
I find also it doesn’t tend to become its own distraction. Once I find a group of sounds, the only way to experience them is to put them in the background and let them go while I do other things, so it actually helps me get started.
Donating was a very good use of a few dollars.
There’s a similar app for Android if it interests anyone: https://trynoice.com/