As a Dojo Frame, Banshee can be obtained extremely early in the game, although she has an unfortunate reputation as being very squishy and difficult to play. Contrary to her reputation, with a very small investment, she is one of the most in-control and chill CC/debuff frames.

Executive summary for people who don’t want to watch the video and don’t need a build demonstration: per my other post on survivability strats (, we’ll be using a Condemn build, replacing Sound Quake, and a Resonating Quake Fractured Blast HCAB (FBHCAB) build, replacing Sonic Boom.

FBHCAB build: Swap Sonic Fracture for Resonating Quake, put FB or Lycath over Sonic Boom.

Condemnshee build: For Duviri, swap Equilibrium for Streamline and fish for some energy economy decrees, to taste.

Let me know in the comments if you would like demos of other nodes.

  • Sentiel
    02 years ago

    I really like the (anti?) synergy between Fractured Blast and Condemn. Armor stripping enemies is cool but blasting them away isn’t because it makes them harder to hit. Condemn chains them in place so once you Sound Blast them they won’t get throw away…usually.