Many hundreds of people are believed to have taken shelter at the UN-run school.

  • @avater
    8 months ago

    newborn account, very much anti israel, negative or insulting comments, pro communism and from the sound of some of your post’s possible also pro putin and Xi…don’t know man you check a lot of boxes…

    • @[email protected]
      168 months ago

      User with “get fucked” on their profile, truly the paragon of positive and complimentary comments.

      • @avater
        -208 months ago

        Its from a Half in the Bag episode, you would not get the joke ;)

        • @Maalus
          -18 months ago

          Removed by mod

    • SilverserenOP
      118 months ago

      If one wants to be ideologically consistent, they need to be pro-Ukraine and pro-Palestinian. Or the opposite, I suppose.

      Otherwise, they’re just being an inherent hypocrite who is purposefully ignoring facts about one or the other conflict.

      • @avater
        8 months ago

        deleted by creator

          • @avater
            8 months ago

            Because israel are literal Nazi’s. And not speaking out against Nazi’s means you are a Nazi yourself.

            WTF! okay that goes directly to the mods, not even bothering…

      • @[email protected]
        -138 months ago

        People are entirely failing to acknowledge that peace was an option in Ukraine - and it’s pushing people towards war in Taiwan. It’s an ideological war that’s taken precedence over the hundreds of thousands of lives lost.

        • SilverserenOP
          48 months ago

          The only option for peace in Ukraine (and in Taiwan if that happens) is if Russia and China gives up. Any other “peace” for Ukraine was them giving up the land Russian’s invasion had already taken, which was not an option for them.

          Russia and China are the aggressors and the evil ones in those situations. Only tankie morons claim otherwise.

          • @[email protected]
            -78 months ago

            The final agreement (as leaked by various negotiators) was that Crimea would remain Russian while Russia would withdraw to their pre-02/24 lines.

            Supposedly there was talk that Donetsk and Luhansk would function as autonomous administration regions within Ukraine (I guess, a bit like Xinjiang, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia are in China?), but I can’t find a source for that.

            The claim that the only option for peace in the Taiwan conflict is if China gives up is, frankly, untrue. Under the KMT government (2008-2016), China had basically accepted the status quo (Taiwan with de facto independence). This is why cross-strait dialogue was so positive in the 2008-2016 period.

            In 2008, the KMT said that “it is the “common aspiration” of the people from both sides of the Taiwan Straits to build a peaceful and win-win future” and the CPC confirmed this, saying “The two parties said they wished to enhance exchanges and dialogue, reach common ground on issues, increase mutual trust and promote cooperation, and take more responsibility for peace and development across the Strait.” In confirmation of the 1992 Consensus, both parties agreed in 2009 to “avoid internal struggle in foreign affairs.” In 2013, both parties agree to work towards " rejuvenating the Chinese nation." In 2015, the CPC called on people to remember the shared bond between CPC-KMT in the fight against the Japanese imperialists. Then, of course, there was the landmark meeting between the CPC leader Xi Jinping and the KMT leader Ma Ying-Jeou in 2015.

            Since then, relations have deteriorated rapidly under the DPP. Dialogue from Taiwan has shifted from one of maintaining the status quo to one seeking explicit independence (DPP policy, which contradicts KMT policy). Dialogue from China has shifted from one of building relations to one of “avoiding conflict.”

            • @avater
              8 months ago

              The final agreement (as leaked by various negotiators) was that Crimea would remain Russian while Russia would withdraw to their pre-02/24 lines.

              What a nice agreement for the Russians. Just let them have the land they never had the right to take and that they invaded by force and everything is shiny. Those are no peace negotiations, this is a farce by Russia who think they can get through with this bullshit. There is no peace until Russia fucks of to the pre-2014 lines!

              The nerve to call this peace…

                • @Wodge
                  38 months ago

                  Putey’s word is worthless, he went back on the nuclear treaty with Ukraine, and he’s done so on everything else. Anyone who trusts him at his word is a sucker.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -18 months ago

                    The Budapest Memorandum gave countries a ton of lenience, including to intervene “for self-defense” and only maintained territorial integrity for the existing Ukrainian state (defined as one without foreign military or economic coercion).

                    Russia justified their violation of the Budapest Memorandum by pointing to US intervention and funding in Euromaidan to overthrow the existing Ukrainian government as coercion which already violated the Budapest Memorandum.

                    Ukraine shouldn’t have signed the Budapest Memorandum as it was. It was designed by the Russians and Americans to remove a potential nuclear adversary without providing Ukraine with any actual foundational support or protection. It was a shit deal without security guarantees and with enough loopholes to, well, drive an army through. The new deal would have included security guarantees, which are as strong an enforcement of a treaty as anything.

            • SilverserenOP
              8 months ago

              Putin and other Russian government officials made it very clear that they were trying to make Donetsk and Luhansk separate so they could just assimilate them later.

              It was a non-deal entirely.

              You mean that the Taiwanese people saw that the party in charge during that prior period were just CCP shills and were trying to force re-assimilation over time. And the people of Taiwan rejected that and thus elected the DPP. Taiwan as a whole is shifting to a more progressive society and they don’t want conservatives like the KMT around anymore.

              They are an independent country. They have been for decades and are now asserting that more strongly.

              • @[email protected]
                -28 months ago

                According to Fiona Hill:

                “Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim settlement” by last April. That outline would have seen Russia withdraw to its pre–February 24 lines.

                Calling the party that literally fought against the CPC a CPC shill is something new, though. Saying that one group of people deserves self determination while another group doesn’t is also… New.