Blasting underwater tunes to try and keep killer whales away is a bad idea for multiple reasons, a researcher says.

  • stopthatgirl7OP
    108 months ago

    LMAO you think Orcas have some kind of environmental vendetta against humans like some Captain Planet episode

    …Well, kind of yes.

    One biologist theorized that the attacks originated with a female orca, known as White Gladis, who may have been harmed by a boat. As the theory goes, White Gladis began to act defensively around seagoing vessels, and other orcas picked up the behavior.

    • @SCB
      7 months ago

      White Gladis began to act defensively around seagoing vessels, and other orcas picked up the behavior

      So not at all related to the environment?

      I know that these orcas have somehow been personified for some people online as nature’s divine wrath, but that’s literally not what they are.

      They’re just animals being animals.

    • @Dead_or_Alive
      -68 months ago

      It sounds like if we eliminated or deterred the Orcas who are exhibiting this behavior it would stop others from learning it. No?

      • stopthatgirl7OP
        98 months ago

        Orcas are endangered, so no, you can’t go around trying to shock them or blow them up.

        • @Dead_or_Alive
          -58 months ago

          Never stated I wanted to blow them up. If they attack my rudder I want to ensure the safety of my crew and scare them away from the boat.

          • stopthatgirl7OP
            38 months ago

            And if either of your ideas were actual viable someone would have tried it always. But your plans risk injuring the orcas, which you can’t do because they’re endangered.

            • @Dead_or_Alive
              -38 months ago

              If they attack my vessel I have every right to respond and defend my vessel. It’s even easier if I’m in international waters.

              • stopthatgirl7OP
                58 months ago

                No, you don’t actually, tough guy.

                If you ever get a boat, I hope the orcas eat it.

                • @Dead_or_Alive
                  -58 months ago

                  They wouldn’t, I’d zap them or throw half sticks of dynamite overboard to scare them away.

                  Hmmm harpoons are effective against whales… maybe if I added a cattle prod tip it would make it a great “non-lethal” deterrent…

                  • stopthatgirl7OP
                    68 months ago

                    Ahh, you’re just a troll. Ok. I see.

                    You go have yourself, idk, some kinda day.

      • @StorminNorman
        18 months ago

        You’re an idiot. When has that ever worked?

        • @Dead_or_Alive
          -17 months ago

          Your a moron, no one has been documented trying. Go flap that uneducated cock holster somewhere else.

          • @StorminNorman
            07 months ago

            Yeah, they have. Just because you have the bare minimum brain cells to stay alive and don’t know shit about the subject doesn’t mean it hasn’t been done before.

            • @Dead_or_Alive
              07 months ago

              Your word is worth less to me than bullshit. Bullshit is at least useful for fertilizer.

              • @StorminNorman
                07 months ago

                It’s cute that you think I care. Well, I do, cos shit like this is why the world is falling apart. But your personal attacks hold no weight against me. I ain’t a pretty person, I’ve been insulted all my life, this is nothing compared to what I’ve heard. But then, that’s probably on me for expecting better from you. Especially since I have plenty of evidence that your intelligence is questionable…

                • @Dead_or_Alive
                  07 months ago

                  LMAO, the first three words of your first comment to me was an insult. Now you complain about my personal attacks and try to take the high road.

                  Do you always pick fights and then act like a bitch when you get hurt?

                  • @StorminNorman
                    07 months ago

                    I didn’t complain, merely stated they don’t bother me. But you have a room temperature IQ, so expecting you to pick up on nuance isn’t gonna happen. my apologies for not talking in single word sentences so you’d understand.