My mood has been hypercycling for a while. But today really sucked, my favorite person that I live with got pissed at me for a reason I still don’t know. Has also been very stand offish with random moments of closeness like we usually have. The whole while stopping things we were doing together to do them with their bf instead. I love them a lot but today I just want to pick up and leave, I only live here for them. I know I’m being jealous but I can’t seem to help it. I feel nauseous with emotion and want to hit the destruct button and start over some where else. Don’t know what to do, and i guess im just venting I suppose

  • @ickplantM
    111 months ago

    Sounds like you were flooded with emotions when you wrote this, and I’m curious if things got any better since you posted? I sincerely hope so. It’s never a good idea to make big decisions during emotional moments, so please don’t uproot yourself until you are sure that’s what you actually want to do.

    I’m going to make a guess, it sounds like your friend’s behavior is really hurting you and making you feel rejected. Someone else already suggested talking to them, that sounds like it could clear up any misunderstandings.

    Whatever you decide to do, I want to wish you best of luck!