• @Donkter
    17 months ago

    Is she supposed to be a robot or something? What on gods green earth is going on with her arm?

    • Scraft161
      17 months ago

      Looks like the clothing and the art style are combining weirdly, this style of clothing has these pockets(? IDK what to call them) at the top of the arm and a tighter long sleeve below.

      • @Donkter
        17 months ago

        So is it ai generated? Or just some mistake of coloring?

        • Scraft161
          17 months ago

          Looks like coloring to me, for one it’s hard for AIGen to do this style, and this image has been sitting on my drive for almost a year now so it predates Dall-E 3 by a good bit.

          It’s also on gelbooru which generally discourages AIGen.