• @EndlessApollo
    10 months ago

    You’d think people would learn that’s not the case after years of Hamas using human shields despite Israel proving they’ll bomb a place regardless. Even if it were true by some metric, how in the fuck is the number of casualties incurred by Israel’s policy of ignoring hostages worth it? In the days since October 7th, thousands of Palestinian civilians have been killed, including many in strikes on hospitals and refugee camps determined to house Hamas personnel. The policy is fucking monstrous and evidence shows it winds up in thousands of Palestinian deaths. Don’t tell me that those stolen lives somehow prevent even more civilian deaths unless you’ve got some very strong proof that this strategy has done anything to stop Hamas from hiding behind civilians, or that the thousands of civilians massacred are worth the chance to kill a few terrorists

    Edited for spelling

    • Cyrus Draegur
      1010 months ago

      fucking thank you, yes, those are exactly the words i couldn’t find to express the sentiment i wish i could have stated

      furthermore “you made me do this” is ABUSER RHETORIC.

      as in, israel claiming that hamas “made them” slaughter civilians,

      likewise, urkaine “forced” russia to invade

      • @Dkarma
        010 months ago

        Who knew the Holocaust was just a preemptive strike. Hitler knew the Jews would do this to the Germans if they got power!


        • Cyrus Draegur
          110 months ago

          Well if you wish to go there, there’s something to be said for how someone raised in violence can take away from their lived experience that “violence is how you raise people”, for instance how a big chunk of the baby boomer “sometimes children need to be smacked” generation did.

          Sadly often, abusers turn out to have learned how to abuse people from being abused themselves; hurt people hurt people.

          If someone stabbed you, though, I don’t think you’d feel mollified to learn that they themselves were victims of a stabbing themselves. The fact that they went through a trauma in the past does not give them free license to inflict that same trauma upon others.

          But in light of the fact that Israel does not represent all Semitic peoples, the state of Israel has even less excuse to exhibit–practically EMBODY–the pure hypocrisy.