Playing as warrior, v2.2.1, on jailbroken iPad 9.0.2. Haven’t tried this on Android yet.

So, I get the key to open the door and before stepping forward to spawn Tengu, I shot a blast across the middle square with the Wand of Regrowth.

Then I stepped in, but he never spawned and the floor didn’t lock. I wandered around, broke all the grass, nothing. Back the other way, the stairs up were still there and over to the side the stairs down was working, with lvl 11 available. Wandered around 11 then back up to 9, then Tengu’s room, but it was the same as I left it.

No Tengu?!?

  • 00-EvanM
    110 months ago

    I took a look into this, and unfortunately I’m not able to reproduce this error. Tengu only checks for another character on his cell when he spawns, and will always appear otherwise. If his cell is occupied (e.g. by the lotus plant from regrowth) he’ll pick an adjacent cell instead. Even if every adjacent cell is somehow occupied, he’ll just wait until one is freed and the fight won’t start beforehand. There isn’t any logic that would automatically complete the fight in any circumstance.

    • @[email protected]OP
      110 months ago

      Thank you for replying. Would you like the ‘var/mobile/Containers/Data/Appli…etc’ folder…’ or such? One of the cache folders may help?

      • 00-EvanM
        110 months ago

        Thanks but information about the game state after the fight isn’t likely to be helpful.