• R0cket_M00se
    -17 months ago

    If people don’t buy a product, then there’s no demand.

    If there’s no demand, a product doesn’t get created.

    Do you think people are out here making shit for fun until someone comes along and purchases it? That producers produce in a vacuum without any kind of reason as to why? They make it cause you’ll buy it. Therefore the consumers create the demand that leads to the product being produced in the first place.

    It’s insane that you can fundamentally misunderstand basic economics this much, to think the consumers don’t have any effect on what is created.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      If there’s no demand, a product doesn’t get created.

      that’s just not true. people make things without a proven market all the time. in fact, all consumer goods are made before they are proven to be able to be sold.