Glad I found this community. I hope it’s ok to ask for some gift recommendations on here - wanna make my kid smile this Christmas :)

My son is 17, and he really likes knives. So far, he just has a few, and none of them are too nice. I would love to get him one within my budget, which is $150.

What are some quality and cool-looking knives in that range? He loves DnD and fantasy, as well as the color black and red.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and recommend!

  • @Fecundpossum
    48 months ago

    It took me years and buying shitty “sharpeners” that actually mess up your edge to the point where it needs to be reprofiled before I figured out that a simple water stone and a little technique is your best bet.

    You can get really crazy about using diamond stones, diamond pastes on a stone, and stones of graduating fineness, followed up by a leather strop, but I find for most low to mid grade blade steels, a normal medium grit and some elbow grease does the job just fine.

    • @ickplantOP
      38 months ago

      Thank you, you are likely saving me hours of research online. I really appreciate it.