• @alienanimals
    508 months ago

    Public companies like water services aren’t trying to charge you as much as possible. Private companies like ISPs are trying to charge you as much as possible.

    Why would you want public companies taken private?

    • @IchNichtenLichten
      248 months ago

      Greed. I remember Thatcher selling off public utilities. If you had money you could buy into the IPO and make absolute bank in the short term. If you didn’t have any spare cash, fuck you for being poor, and the wealth gap increases.

      In the long term, those that got paid by buying shares in these new companies got shafted along with every one else as prices increased, quality of services declined and enshittification set in.

      • @ours
        88 months ago

        If English trains after being privatized aren’t enough of a warning, I don’t know what is.

        • @IchNichtenLichten
          88 months ago

          That and the rivers and coasts being so full of shit you can’t swim in them any more without getting sick.

          Oh, old people dying because they can’t afford to heat their homes in winter too.

          I don’t understand why Tory MP’s heads aren’t in spikes outside Parliament as a warning to others.