Just really proud of this achievement after originally playing the games years ago and just barely scraping through!

If anyone else out there is trying to achieve this and having some struggles — you got this! I believe in you! Follow your dreams!

  • kismatticOP
    310 months ago

    I may come back to it to do a speed run or steel soul, pantheon 5 I made one attempt at and that seems like it would be rough but doable with enough practice!

    I originally played the game without help then this time was part of a livestream on Twitch/kick/Youtube where people were giving help here and there which was so much help. The game is so good though I just want to keep playing but have stopped for the moment to try out some other stuff.

    • @Yucky_Dimension
      310 months ago

      The game is so good though I just want to keep playing

      Let me introduce you to the world of Hollow Knight Randomizer. That’s how I got 600h on record. Endless fun! I didn’t even touch P5 for the longest time.

    • Zari
      310 months ago

      “Game is good? Is good!”???

      I think Hollow Knight is the best metroidvania game on the market. I might be wrong but Hollow Knight is a really good game.

      • kismatticOP
        310 months ago

        Sorry, I wasn’t trying to imply the game is “just good”. The whole experience is really a masterpiece, just wasn’t thinking about wording